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Improve Your Attacking Chess - Συγγραφέας: Simon Williams

Checkmating the enemy king is the ultimate goal in chess. In this book Simon Williams helps readers to practice and improve their skills in this vital area of practical chess. A mating attack typically involves a build-up of forces, followed by an opening of lines, often involving a sacrifice. Once the enemy king is exposed, it is either checkmated, or only saved at a great cost in material. The puzzles in this book are pertinent to all these phases, and involve questions of where to attack and what pieces to use. Topics include: Attacking the king caught in the centre; Central breakthrough; Standard sacrifices against the castled king; Chasing the king; Endgame mates; Combinative themes.

Σελίδες: 160

Ετος έκδοσης: 2004

Εκδότης: Gambit

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*Tηλεφωνικές παραγγελίες στο 210-2630124 απο 08.30-21.30
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Improve Your Attacking Chess - Συγγραφέας: Simon Williams

  • Κωδικός Προϊόντος: Improve Your Attacking Chess
  • Διαθεσιμότητα: Διαθέσιμο
  • 24,00€